Say It The Right Way, Damn it!!!

I know we all have gone to a funeral at one point in our lives and have listened to some of the bullshit that people say.

I swear people say the dumbest things ever. Some of these things almost make me feel bad for humanity.

You may be asking yourself but how can people do things they don’t understand?  This is how.

When someone dies and someone says something stupid like “I never thought this day will come”

I’m like bitch what the fuck is you talking about?

How did you never thought this day was never gonna come?

If there is anything we know for sure about this humanitarian life we’re leading is that one day we are going to die.

If you never knew that, maybe because you live under a rock, Surprise Mudafucker.

And if you did not know because you are still too young and your parents haven’t told you about the ups and downs of death yet, oops.

I know this is a little bit too hard and harsh (that’s what she said). But life is a bitch and the earlier you start dealing with hard things the brighter the future looks (that’s what I told her).

It is considered rude to tell someone to not say something and not tell them the right way to say it. So I will tell you what to say when you go to a funeral or when you first hear the news about someone’s death.

Now that we know that saying “I never thought this day will ever come” is wrong, what you should say instead is “I never thought this day would come so soon”.

So the next time you hear someone say something that stupid, slap the stupidity out that mouth.

I am happy that I got to give you some knowledge today no need to thank me, it is all good, I am sure you appreciate it,  and you are welcome. Please do not forget to let me know what you thought about this article. I mean like, Like it, and Comment, that is if you want. LOL.

 It’s A Laugh TiNg.

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